Instructor   : Mark Floden     Observer    :  Behjat Al Yousuf


Class           : 3I                       Course        : ITEC 205


Section       : 1                        Date            : 29/12/2003            


The following observed aspects were satisfactory:

4  =  Strongly Agree;     3  =  Agree;     2  =  Disagree;       1  =  Strongly Disagree











Pace of Lesson
















Use of visual aids/technology















Only the powerpoint presentation over the computer was used.




Appropriacy of materials (Language level/Variety)


















Rapport between instructor and students


































Student participation











The students were answering in groups. The instructor occasionally requested that individuals to answer.



Language level of instructor



















Feedback techniques (Positive and Negative)















The instructor was providing feedback after each question.



Question/Answer techniques


















Class Management











The instructor was managing the class well. I was occasionally that all students talk at the same time but the instructor was reminding them to speak one at a time.



Clarity of objectives / instruction















The instructor explained the plan and the objective of the lesson.


Overall Evaluation:


Observer’s Comments:

The instructor explained the lesson plan

The instructor talked and discussed the assignment

Good use of P.P. Presentation.

Good way of summarizing the lesson

The instructor asked students questions at the end of the lesson to wrap up the lesson.




Suggestions for Improvement:


It would help if the instructor reviews the concepts needed for the lesson before introducing the lesson of the day.

Many students were not participating in the class, it would be better to approach individuals to answer.

Allow different individuals to participate

Use the board to enforce the lesson rather than depending on the PP and verbal discussion.

Introduce the topic as a PBL and use the class time as a forum for discussion. This will make the class more student centered T&L.

Frequently ask questions to re-enforce the topic.

Change the class activity rather then verbal discussion and reading from the PP presentation.

Use different activities in summarizing the lesson and wrapping it up.



Signature of Observer: _________________    Date:



Instructor’s Comments:        

I agree with these observation notes and will endeavor to incorporate them into my teaching by involving more individual students in discussions, reviewing concepts from previous lessons at the start of a lesson, using PBL in case topics and using activities in to help students summarize their learning for the lesson.








Signature of Instructor:  _________________Date: